GDPR compliance requires publishers to obtain ‘consent’ from visitors in the EEA to display ads and generate revenue. The CMP (Consent Management Platform) determines if user consent, IP addresses, and cookies are passed to us and our partners. Please enable us as a certified vendor in your CMP; if we’re not enabled, then EU traffic WILL NOT be monetized.
CMP Recommendation:
We recommend InMobi Choice CMP to publishers who are missing a valid CMP on their website, you can set this up in 10 minutes, it is very easy. Please take a look below at our suggestion if you need to install a Consent Management Platform on your website.
- You can sign up for a free account for InMobi Choice here, it is a hardcode implementation:
To start generating revenue for the EU (& UK), make sure that "Underdog Media LLC" is enabled within the CMP settings for each domain.
Various CMPs have different categories and/ or purposes, therefore, we recommend enabling all available in your specific CMP. At the very minimum, "Targeting" must be enabled. Performance may increase with more categories enabled. We are not considered a Legitimate Interest vendor, so actual user consent is required.
More information about GDPR and User Consent is located here.
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